About Health & Hygiene

Individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole benefit from good health. A healthy population is essential for a country’s progress. As per WHO (World Health Organisation), “Health” is stated as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease .” Hygiene refers to the conditions and practices that help in maintaining good health and preventing disease transmission

1. Health

Several things influence our health. These are balanced nutrition, clean water, and a clean environment that helps people stay healthy, whereas bacteria and a stressed atmosphere induce sickness and disorders. A state of good health comprises both physical and mental well-being. To maintain good health, however, constant efforts are required at both personal and communal levels. Hygiene is an integral part of healthy living and deals with the cleanliness of bodies and the surroundings.

People with good health are cheerful, happier, energetic, and full of life and hence are more efficient and productive at work.  Environment and committee of the person play a vital role in maintaining the social and Mental Health of a person. Stressful environments damage mental health that also impacts physical health. All the dimensions of health Social, Physical and mental health are interlinked.

1.1. Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is one of the most important keys to good health. A balanced diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fibers. The nutrients are required in proper proportions to fulfill the nutritional requirement of a person of a certain age, performing a certain amount of physical activity. Children under the age group of 5 years are, in developing nations like India, reported to be malnourished according to the health surveys due to poverty, poor diet, hygienic conditions. The energy need for a moderately active adolescent (teenage) boy is around 2200 to 2400 Calories, whereas adolescent girls require 2000 Calories. Hence, our diet must include the right amount of every necessary dietary element.

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1.2. Exercising

Regular walking, yoga, physical exercises, and outdoor games keep the heart and circulatory system in good condition. Walking keeps the joints healthy. Exercising and moving our body in anyways helps in increasing the efficiency of our mental health. The most common issue in today’s world, faced by millions of people is depressions resulting, in increased suicide rates worldwide. The pressure of fast-moving work culture and the stressful environment results in poor mental health and lack of exercise. Exercising regularly along with healthy eating habits reduces stress and improves the mental state of a person. Which also helps in maintaining good social health.

1.3. Regular Sleep

Sleep and relaxation are necessary for good health. Our body requires a minimum of 8 hrs sleep. In the state of sleep, the body regenerates the dead tissues and cells. It also increases concentration levels

2. Hygiene & Sanitization

Hygiene and sanitation are important aspects to maintain a healthy lifestyle and help in staying away from diseases. Adopting sanitary practices and promoting cleanliness in the community, school, and workplace can help to avoid many infectious diseases. Hygiene is concerned with both personal and communal health. Personal and communal health are both crucial for an individual’s and a community’s well-being. The Environment, as well as the availability of nutritious food and other essentials, can have an impact on one’s health. Participation of local and government organizations is becoming increasingly important in promoting community health. The currently prevailing Pandemic is a relatable situation, how a few sanitation and hygienic habits of individuals and the community can reduce the spread of the deadly COVID-19 and its variants.

2.1. Personal Hygiene

Regular bathing, cleaning teeth, hand sanitation, wearing a mask when sick, Cutting Nails. Keeping oneself neat and clean helps prevent many health issues such as bacterial or fungal infections.

2.2. Domestic Hygiene

It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the surroundings to avoid many soilborne, waterborne diseases such as dengue, Malaria, etc.

Garbage disposal is a serious problem that causes millions of deadly diseases. The people coming from garbage pickers/collection working in the cities are the most prone to deadly diseases caused by untreated wastes as reported in 2020. In India, one of the major problems throughout the country is the irresponsive of people towards garbage management. Negligence in the importance of separation of recyclable and non-recyclable garbage and waste disposal.

2.3. Clean Water & Food

The waste should not be disposed into water bodies which pollute the water bodies and many waterborne diseases are caused. These days to meet the increased food demand, many chemical fertilizers and insecticides are used which causes soil erosion depleting into groundwater and polluting the groundwater. The chemical-grown vegetable should be washed properly before use as it causes cancer and in recent years cases of cancers are seen be increasing.

Consumption of contaminated drinking water, improper disposal of human waste, poor environmental sanitation, and a lack of personal and food hygiene have all been identified as major causes of disease in developing nations, including India. Sanitation is a key determinant of quality of life and the human development index.  Good sanitary practices prevent water contamination and cause various harmful diseases.

3. Conclusion

Health and Hygiene are two important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Various small hygienic habits can prevent and protect an individual and the whole community from harmful and deadly diseases.

Individual health and hygiene are highly dependent on the availability of safe drinking water and good sanitation. As a result, there is a clear link between water, sanitation, and health. Consumption of contaminated drinking water, incorrect disposal of human excreta, poor environmental sanitation, and a lack of personal and food hygiene, and a lack of a balanced diet have all been identified as key causes of disease in developing countries, including India.

A domestic garbage disposal ensures a hygienic and clean environment. Garbage disposal ways such as separations of non-recyclable, recyclable, and biodegradable waste and proper waste treatment. Biodegradable waste should be decomposed and converted into manure. It also aids in the prevention of unpleasant smells. Controlling mosquito breeding can also be accomplished by effective household waste management and domestic cleanliness